Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tuesday Night Day 13

WOW, Can you even believe there are only two more riding days left in this years tour ?!?!?  I dreamed about doing this ride for months, trained even longer and harder and before you know it ... There are only two days left !!!

And after the past 10 days ... today's ride was an absolute dream !!!  almost NO hills !!!  Unlike most other days on this trip that included mountains and other long hills ... today  had a lot of flat with grntly rolling hills with only a couple hills of any significance.  I am glad and thankful for what I now see as some good training.

The roads were mostly flat and for thatI was thankful.   There is more that happened but unfortunaely my head is bobbing up & down  like a see saw on a warm Spring day so  need to get some rest. 

I apologize my friends  but my eyes are becoming very heavy ...   I have not done s steller job representing thix journey and for that I apologize.  I hope I am not  disappointing anyone too nuch with my lack luster reporting and am  asking you to come back for my last night tomorrow >>> I hope not !!!  Kenny


1 comment:

  1. Juanita Rumley Gillespie Kenny you are getting close one more leg to Yorktown,sorry we had to leave you and Suzanne at Ashland, you are amazing in your accomplishments on this ride,we are all very thankful and proud.
