Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Monday Ouray, CO to Durango, CO

Well, folks ... lets give it a NEW try !!!  I will attempt to share some of the particulars of Mondy's ride ... And if I say so myself ... IT WAS A Doozie !!!

It was going to be our first long day and the beginning was NOT a disappointment !!!  We leftthehotel about 5:20 a.m. and trust me it was still dark.  We turned right out of the parking lot and there was our first hill of the day.  Nothing bug but BIG was just around the next corner !!!  And it did not disappoint !!!  We were already at 6,800' and we were heading up nearly 3,500' more to put at our highest elevation for the trip ... just over 11,000' !!!  It was indeed a long slow climb and surprisinglyto me ... I had no problems with the altitude !!! And might I add that the descent was almost as spectacular hitting speeds of nearly 50 m.p.h.

The second climb of the day was immediately thereafter but only took us up to 10,900' ... And the third clumb was none the less steep  topping out at 10,600'.  My riding partner for the day had been Matt, a neat guy and good rider but he had indicated this would be the last for him today.  By the way, let me tell you that Matt is a paraplegic,runs Adaptive Assistance and is quite the rider !!!  I contimplated riding the van into Durango  but decided to take this downhill run that was in front of me.  And furthermore, those first three climbs all occurred within the first 40 miles of today's ride leaving a healthy 35 miles remaining !!!

I kept riding all the way into Durango but I suspected this may have reprocutions later in the week ... You will just have to cone back to see what happens !!!

You know ... just like I could not plan on hotels not having computersso I could share my BLOGS in a timely manner ... NO ONE EVER plans on getting MS !!!  And that is why I am here, to share my journey and my request ... that you might come back again to learn more and to possibly enourage you to make a tax deductible gift to the MSAV and mail it o the address on the face page of  Thanks for your kind patience and I will return to catch you up on all the days I nissed !!!  Thanks ... Kenny

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